Welcome to Staff Development Center

To bring about better collaboration among faculties with regard to staff development, the Staff Development Center (SDC) of the University of Peradeniya was established in March 1999. The SDC while being an umbrella organization for the different units of individual faculties, conducts activities to promote and nurture staff development at the University of Peradeniya and other Universities in the system.


Standing Committee of UGC


Managment Committee

  • Prof. M.D. Lamawansa, Chair person /Vice-Chancellor
  • Director SDC (Secretary) - Dr. W. D. Chandrasena
  • Director PGIA -
  • Director PGIS -
  • Director PGIHS -
  • Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Dean, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
  • Dean, Faculty of Arts
  • Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences
  • Dean, Faculty of Engineering
  • Dean, Faculty of Management
  • Dean, Faculty of Medicine
  • Dean, Faculty of Science
  • Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science
  • Registrar
  • Librarian
  • Bursar

Program Committee

  • Dr. W. D. Chandrasena, Director, Staff Development Centre.
    Email: wdchand@gmail.com / wdchand@pdn.ac.lk / wdchand@sci.pdn.ac.lk

  • Dr. R. M. Abeyrathne, Centre for Distance & Continuing Education (CDCE).
    Email: director.cdce@gmail.com

  • Dr. Upul Jayasinghe , Director, IT Centre
    Email: director.ceit@gs.pdn.ac.lk

  • Dr. S. A. Weerasooriya, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, Faculty of Agriculture.
    Email: senalw@agri.pdn.ac.lk , senal883@gmail.com

  • Dr. C. Liyanarachchi, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
    Email: chamilaliya@ahs.pdn.ac.lk

  • Dr. S. Y. Ekanayake, Department of Education, Faculty of Arts
    Email: sakuyatigammana@gmail.com

  • Dr. P. V. K. S. Hettiarachchi, Department of Oral Medicine & Periodontalogy, Faculty of Dental Sciences
    Email: kalaniz2004@yahoo.com

  • Dr. K. G. N. Nanayakkara, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
    Email: nadee173@yahoo.com

  • Dr. K. A. N. Wijayawardhane, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science
    Email: nayanaw@pdn.ac.lk , nwijayawardhane@yahoo.com

  • Prof. Roshan Ragel (E-learning and IT Literacy), Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering , Faculty of Engineering
    Email: roshanr@eng.pdn.ac.lk

  • Dr. Asitha Bandaranayake (Education technology), Dept. of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
    Email: asithab@pdn.ac.lk

  • Dr. S. Krishnapradeep, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine
    Email: skpradeep2000@gmail.com

  • Prof. D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara , (Academic Coordinator)
    Email: ngpkumara@agri.pdn.ac.lk , ngpkumara63@gmail.com


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