Welcome to Staff Development Center

To bring about better collaboration among faculties with regard to staff development, the Staff Development Center (SDC) of the University of Peradeniya was established in March 1999. The SDC while being an umbrella organization for the different units of individual faculties, conducts activities to promote and nurture staff development at the University of Peradeniya and other Universities in the system.

Director's Message


Director : Dr. W. D. Chandrasena

The Staff Development Center of the University of Peradeniya was established in March 1999 in order to bring about better collaboration among faculties with regard


SDC Intro Video

The Staff Development Center of the University of Peradeniya was established in March 1999 in order to bring about better collaboration among faculties with regard

vision Tour

    Our Vision

To be a center of excellence in training for the development of efficient and effective personnel who could contribute significantly to their Institution’s growth and development.


    Our Mission

To conduct and nurture activities that would promote and contribute to capacity building of members in a work force.

Welcome to Staff Development Center
of University of Peradeniya

To bring about better collaboration among faculties with regard to staff development, the Staff Development Center (SDC) of the University of Peradeniya was established in March 1999. The SDC while being an umbrella organization for the different units of individual faculties, conducts activities to promote and nurture staff development at the University of Peradeniya and other Universities in the system. Currently the SDC has the capability to offer its services for staff development in other Institutes of the country as well.